By District policy, “every course, course section or class shall be open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE).”
Class Policies
Students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are not permitted to attend classes in which they are not officially enrolled. Classes ‘filled’ may have a ‘waitlist’ already established for students wanting to attend.
Students must attend the first day of class or lose their spot to a petitioning student.
No children are to attend adult classes.
If a student has received a passing grade in a Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program or Medical Assistant Certificate Program course and wishes to repeat the course, the student should submit an Audit Request Form to the CTE Director.
For more information about auditing a Pharmacy Technician or Medical Assistant course, please contact 714.808.4673.
There is a $15 fee charged for auditing a course. Fees charged for auditing a course are subject to change. Auditing other NOCE courses is not permitted.
Students are expected to attend all classes.
If attendance drops, classes may be cancelled. Tuition-free classes may be discontinued during the term if attendance drops. Tuition-based classes will continue according to schedule once they have started.
It is NOCE’s practice that classes do not normally meet on a weekend following a Friday District holiday or preceding a Monday District holiday.
If it is necessary for a class to be held on a holiday weekend, this would be an exception to the rule.
Students must attend the first meeting where in-class registration takes place or they may lose their seat to someone else. A minimum number of students must attend the first class meeting. In-class registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Please visit the Fullerton College Bookstore page at noce.edu/textbooks. For store, choose “Anaheim Campus Store” and then select the term.
- Anaheim 714.808.4675
- Cypress 714.484.7336
- Wilshire (Fullerton) 714.992.7557
No matter where the class is held, students can register at any NOCE Center:
- Anaheim Campus (Second Floor)
- NOCE Cypress Center, Bldg 100, off Parking Lot 4
- NOCE Wilshire Center, Bldg 300
For registration assistance, contact: NOCE Starhelp: 714.808.4679 or e-mail: starhelp@noce.edu. Registration is
also available online at noce.edu/registration -
Walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis when staff is available. We recommend you call before your visit to confirm hours and staff availability. We continue to offer student support services by phone and virtually.
For registration information, please call StarHelp at: 714.808.4679
NOCE classes are open to those 18 years or older who have been admitted to NOCE and are not attending school.
Students under 18 who have not graduated from high school may be permitted to attend under special circumstances. It is advisable to contact the campus administrator at the site where the class is offered prior to obtaining the required permission letter from the school that the minor student is attending.
If permission to enroll is granted, the minor student may enroll only after the regular registration period so that priority is given to adult students. Children of any age may take Kids’ College and Teen Program classes as indicated in the course schedule.
College Prep and GED/HiSET, and Online High School Subjects Attendance/Waitlist Policies
If you are not in class ONE HOUR after the scheduled starting time, your spot could be reassigned to a student on the waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be notified as soon as possible when seats open up in classes. Once you are notified, you will have up to 24 hours to accept the seat.
If you do not accept by the deadline given in your e-mail notification, the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
Regular attendance is expected of every student.
Deadline to Add Classes in the Fall/Spring Semesters:
- For College Preparation: No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the second week.
- For GED/HiSET Preparation: No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the first week. GED/HiSET courses are short-term classes (9 weeks)
THE FIRST WEEK OF ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY to secure your place in class.
To remain enrolled in the class, you must sign in to your Canvas course and/or contact your instructor during the first week of the course. If you do not sign in, your spot could be reassigned to a student on the waitlist and you will be dropped from the course. Students on the waitlist will be notified as soon as possible when seats open up in classes. Once you are notified, you will have up to 24 hours to accept the seat.
If you do not accept by the deadline given in your e-mail notification, the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
Regular attendance and active virtual participation are expected of every student.
Deadline to Add Classes in the Fall/Spring Semesters:
- For College Preparation: No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the second week.
- For GED/HiSET Preparation: No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the first week. GED/HiSET courses are short-term classes (9 weeks)
- For Online High School Subjects: No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the 3rd day of instruction. Online high school subjects are short-term classes (4 ½ weeks).
Career Technical Education Policies
Online Orientation
All students are required to complete an online orientation in order to enroll in any NOCE Career Technical Education (CTE) Certificate Program.
The online orientation is recommended, but not required for Braille Transcribing.
In-Person Attendance
ATTENDANCE ON FIRST DAY OF CLASS IS MANDATORY to secure your place in class.
If you are not in class ONE HOUR after the scheduled starting time, your spot could be reassigned to a student on the waitlist. Students on the waitlist should attend the first class. Regular attendance is expected of every student.
No student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the second week of the class.
Online Attendance
FIRST WEEK OF ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY to secure your place in class.
If you do not sign in to your Canvas course and/or contact your instructor by 11:59 p.m. on the third day from the start of the course, your spot could be reassigned to a student on the waitlist and you will be dropped from the course. Regular attendance is expected of every student. For classes that are five weeks in length or less, no student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the first week of the class.
For classes that are six weeks in length or more, no student will be allowed to enroll in a class after the second week of the class
Students may add themselves to the waitlist through myGateway.
Go to “Registration Tools” and click “Add/Drop Classes”. Make sure to select “Waitlist” and then click “Confirm Your Choices” to be added. Students adding to the waitlist are not guaranteed enrollment into any class and must meet all registration requirements.
- The waitlist process is only valid through the end of the first week of the class. During the 2nd week of classes students still interested in adding a closed class must contact StarHelp at 714.808.4679 or e-mail starhelp@noce.edu.
- Through the first week of classes, students on the waitlist will be notified via e-mail as soon as a seat is available. Once you receive the e-mail, you will have up to 24 hours to accept the seat.
If you do not accept, by the deadline given in your e-mail notification, the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
All courses in these programs are graded (Pass or No Pass).
In order to be eligible to receive a passing grade, students in these programs must meet both the minimum attendance requirements and the 80% or higher grading requirement.
Disability Support Services Policies
Information Change Policies
A student may submit a request to update their legal or chosen name as well as sex in compliance with AP 5041 as outlined in the brief below.
A request to update or change a student’s legal name or legal sex in our records must be submitted to Admissions & Records with acceptable supporting documentation.
Official government government-issued documents such as birth certificates, passports, social security cards, immigration documents, and identification cards or permits.
In the state of California, legal sex includes “female,” “male,” and “nonbinary”.
The name that a student wishes to be known or identified by which is different from their legal name; can be used on unofficial documents and records, as defined below, in place of the student’s legal name.
The chosen name appears on the instructor rosters, can be added in Canvas, and other student systems.
Please be advised, the legal name will remain on documents such as academic records, financial records, human resources records, and the like.
A student’s internal sense of being masculine, feminine, nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, etc. A student’s gender may be the same as their legal sex (cisgender) or different from their legal sex (transgender), and their gender may change over time.
Please see AP 5041 for a complete listing of definitions and further information, Students, please fill out the Information Change Form online and submit to A&R as instructed.
Fees Policies
These classes appear as free but are actually funded by the state. Funding is received for each hour of student attendance. The cost of offering the class is covered by these funds. The class may be cancelled if the attendance falls below the level needed to cover the costs of the class.
There are 10 recognized areas in Title V that are eligible for noncredit education apportionment. NOCE offers noncredit classes in the following areas:
- English as a Second Language
- Citizenship for Immigrants
- Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills
- Health and Safety
- DSS (Substantial Disabilities)
- Parenting
- Home Economics
- Older Adults
- Short-Term Vocational
- Workforce Preparation
Classes NOT funded by the state are supported by student tuition.
Students must cover the cost of the class through fees. Additional instructional material or supply fees may be required. These classes will not be cancelled if attendance falls low during the term. While late registration is permissible in most classes, full payment of tuition fees is always required.
Full payment is required at the time of registration, only credit cards (MasterCard and VISA) are accepted.
NOCE will withhold, registration privileges, from any student or former student who has failed to pay all outstanding fees (from current or previous terms) or for other administrative reasons.
To receive a refund, a Refund Petition Form must be submitted at least two (2) full business days before the first- class meeting.
A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all refunds one time, per term, per student except for classes cancelled by NOCE.
Refunds will be processed two weeks after the term begins. No refunds on books or materials. Approved refunds will be placed back on the credit card used when the original payment was made. Please allow 3 – 4 days for the refund to show on your credit card statement.
The only other criteria considered for refunds are circumstances in which the course differs from the way it was described in the class schedule, such as incorrect start date, time, or wrong location. You may request a credit valid for six months toward any fee-based course. Requests for credits must be submitted prior to the second-class meeting of the course being dropped.
Student Records & Identification Cards
California Administrative Code, Title V, and District policy states that students can review their student records at any time. All student records are located at the NOCE Wilshire Center. Transcript requests are accepted by mail (the Transcript Request Form may be printed through the NOCE website at www.noce.edu/records). Allow 10 business days for processing.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They have the right to:
- Inspect and review their education records.
- Have some control over the disclosure of information from their education record.
- Seek to amend incorrect education records.
In accordance with FERPA, NOCE may release or publish, without the student’s prior consent, items in the category of public (directory) information. The NOCCCD Board of Trustees has identified the following as public (directory) information:
- Degrees and awards received by students, including honors, scholarships, athletic awards, and Dean’s List
recognition; - Student participation in officially recognized activities and sports including weight, height, and high school of graduation for athletic team members;
- Dates of attendance.
Students who wish to restrict this information must submit a written request to the Registrar’s Office at the NOCE Wilshire Center. Requests must be filed within 15 calendar days from the beginning of each term a student is in attendance. For more information, call 714.992.9502.
Students are classified as full-time when enrolled and attending 12 hours or more of instruction per week. Students enrolled in fewer than 12 hours per week of instruction are considered part-time students.
Enrollment and attendance can be confirmed after the student has attended two consecutive weeks of instruction.
North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) issues a new catalog each academic year beginning in the fall semester and, if needed, subsequent addendums for the spring and summer terms. The information published in the catalog or catalog addendums is in effect for the academic year beginning with the fall semester and concluding with the summer term.
The course requirements for a specific certificate program may change from one catalog to the next and, therefore, may change during the period of time that a student attends NOCE. Catalog rights established when a student first takes classes at NOCE protect the student from being held for additional program requirements that may be added to a later catalog.
Students maintain catalog rights by maintaining continuous enrollment in one of the following courses at NOCE: Basic Skills, Career Technical Education, Disability Support Services, and English as a Second Language.
Continuous enrollment is enrollment in any two of the previous consecutive terms, including summer, resulting in an academic record of A, B, C, D, F, P (Pass), NP (No Pass), SP (Satisfactory Progress), or W (Withdrawal). Missing more than two consecutive terms will result in loss of catalog rights due to a break in continuous enrollment.
For example:
Enrollment in the following Term No Enrollment in the following Terms Must enroll in the following term to maintain Catalog Rights Fall Spring & Summer Fall Spring Summer & Fall Spring Summer Fall & Spring Summer If continuous enrollment is broken, the student must adhere to the catalog requirements in effect at the time-continuous enrollment is re-established and maintained. T
he lab enrollment in CCTR 100, keyboarding exams, and required certifications (e.g. CPR card) cannot be used to maintain catalog rights. Course substitution nor course challenges do not maintain catalog rights.
This policy supersedes all previous catalog rights provisions and applies only to the programs at NOCE.
Grades Policies
Students enrolled in apportionment courses are awarded an evaluative symbol at the conclusion of each course. The grade issued will become part of the student’s permanent academic history and will appear on their NOCE transcript.
Grading for CTE, DSS, ESL, and LEAP Courses
- P – Pass (no grade points)
- N – No Pass (no grade points)
- SP – Satisfactory Progress (no grade points)
Students enrolled in a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) course are advised that they will be issued a grade that will appear on their NOCE transcript and permanent academic history. If a student does not wish to be graded, they must drop the course prior to the eighth hour of instruction. While an instructor may drop a student for excessive absences, it is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a class.
If a student withdraws after the eighth hour of instruction, but prior to the last quarter of instruction, the student will receive a “W” grade on their transcript, regardless of whether the drop was initiated by the student or instructor. Students may not drop a course after the start of the final quarter of the course. Please visit www.noce.edu/records for further information.
NOCE recognized the legal right of faculty to set standards of performance and to apply them to individual students. Therefore, the instructor is the final authority in determining grades that are assigned to students and that appear in their permanent academic records. Students have a right to formally appeal the final grade earned. Appeals are limited to the situations in which students believe the grade is prejudicially, capriciously, or arbitrarily assigned.
Grade appeal requests should be initiated by the student during the next term but no later than one year following the award of the original grade. All grade appeal requests should be directed to the NOCE Registrar at 714.992.9502. For additional information, you may refer to Board Policy 4231.
Grade appeal request forms can be found online at noce.edu/records.
It is the policy of the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCCD) that, unless specifically exempted by statue, every course section or class, the full-time equivalent students (FTES) attendance of which is to be reported for state aid, whenever offered and maintained by NOCCCD, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the college(s) or North Orange Continuing Education and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to Chapter II, Division 2, part VI, Title V of the California Administrative Code, commencing with Section 51820.
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty. These include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as:
- stealing or passing off as one’s own ideas or words of another, or
- using a creative production without crediting the source.
- The following cases constitute plagiarism:
- paraphrasing published material without acknowledging the source;
- making significant use of an idea or a particular arrangement of ideas, e.g. outlines;
- writing a paper after consultation with persons who provide suitable ideas and incorporating these ideas into the paper without acknowledgement; or
- submitting under one’s own name term papers or other reports which have been prepared by others.
- Students shall not cheat, which is defined as:
- using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted
by the instructor, or - misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data.
- using notes, aids, or the help of other students on tests or exams in ways other than those expressly permitted
- Students shall not submit an original paper or project to more than one class without approval from the second instructor. Instructors who do not accept previously- submitted papers should inform students in the course syllabus,
- Instructors may deal with academic dishonesty in one or more of the following ways:
- Assign an appropriate academic penalty such as an oral reprimand or point reduction.
- Assign zero points on all or a particular paper, project, or exam.
- Report to the appropriate administrators, with notification of same to the student(s), for disciplinary action by the school. Such a report will be accompanied by supporting evidence and documentation.
See Student Conduct Policy for additional information.
- Students shall not plagiarize, which is defined as:
Student Conduct Policy
Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline Policy
The standards of student conduct and disciplinary action for violation of Board Policy 5500 were approved by the NOCCCD Board on January 28, 2003, and were drawn in compliance with Sections 66300, 76030, 76033, 7034, 76036 of the State Education Code.
Students are expected to respect and obey civil and criminal law and shall be subject to the legal penalties for violation of the city, county, state, and national laws(s).
Student conduct must conform to Board Policy and college regulations and procedures. As cited in BP5500, “A student who violates the standards of student conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion of the student.” Misconduct that constitutes “good cause” for disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of District personnel, or violating the rights of other students.
- Failure to identify oneself when requested to do so by District officials acting in the performance of their duties.
- Cheating, plagiarism in connection with an academic program (including plagiarism in a student publication), or engaging in other academic dishonesty.
- Dishonesty, forgery, alteration, or misuse of District documents, records, or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the District.
- Misrepresentation of oneself or of an organization to be an agent of the District.
- Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury or physical or verbal abuse or any threat of force or violence, to the person, property, or family of any member of the college community, whether on or off District property as defined above.
- Willful misconduct which results in injury or death to a student or to District personnel, or which results in the cutting, defacing, or other damage to any real or personal property of the District.
- Unauthorized entry into, unauthorized use of, or misuse of property of the District.
- Stealing or attempting to steal District property or private property on District premises, or knowingly receiving stolen District property or stolen private property on District premises.
- Causing or attempting to cause damage to District property, or to private property on District premises.
- Unlawful use, sale, possession, offer to sell, furnishing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance listed in the California Health and Safety Code, section 11053 et seq., an alcoholic beverage or an intoxicant of any kind, or any poison classified as such by Schedule D in Section 4160 of the Business and Professions Code or other State law defining controlled substance while on District property, or at a District function; or unlawful possession of, or offering, arranging or negotiating the sale of any drug paraphernalia, as defined in the California Health and Safety Code,
- section 11014.5.Willful or persistent smoking in any area where smoking has been prohibited by law or by regulation of the District.
- Possession, sale, use, or otherwise furnishing of explosives, dangerous chemicals, deadly weapons or other dangerous object including but not limited to, any facsimile firearm, knife or explosive on District property, or at a District function, without prior written authorization of the Chancellor, college president, North Orange Continuing Education Provost, or authorized designee.
- Engaging in lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on District property, or at a District function.
- Violation of municipal, state, or federal laws in connection with attendance in programs or services offered by the District, or while on District property or at District-sponsored activities.
- Soliciting or assisting another to do any act (including the purchasing, transporting or consumption of any controlled substance), while under the supervision of a District official, which would subject a student to expulsion, suspension, probation, or other discipline pursuant to this policy.
- Attempting any act constituting cause for disciplinary action as identified in the above sections of this policy.
- Committing sexual harassment as defined by law or by District policies and procedures.
- Engaging in harassing or discriminatory behavior based on disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or any other status protected by law.
- Engaging in physical or verbal intimidation or harassment of such severity or pervasiveness as to have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance, or District employee’s work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or work environment.
- Engaging in physical or verbal disruption of instructional or student services activities, administrative procedures, public service functions, authorized curricular or co-curricular activities or prevention of authorized guests from carrying out the purpose for which they are on District property.
- Stalking, defined as a pattern of conduct by a student with intent to follow, alarm, or harass another person, and which causes that person to reasonably fear for his or her safety, and where the student has persisted in the pattern of conduct after the person has demanded that the student cease the pattern of conduct. Violation of a restraining order shall, without more, constitute stalking under this policy.
- Persistent, serious misconduct where other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct or where the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of students or others.
- Engaging in expression which is obscene, libelous, or slanderous according to current legal standards, or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on District property, or the violation of the lawful administrative procedures of the District, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the District.
- Use of the District’s computer systems or electronic communication systems and services for any purpose prohibited by Administrative Procedures 3720, Computer & Electronic Communication Systems, or for any act constituting cause for disciplinary action as provided in this policy.
Furthermore, no student shall be suspended from a college or North Orange Continuing Education program or expelled unless the conduct for which the student is disciplined is related to college, North Orange Continuing Education or District activity or attendance. Also any violation of law, ordinance, regulation, or rule regulating, or pertaining to, the parking of vehicles, shall not be cause for removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student.
The Chancellor shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students in accordance with the requirements for due process of law. The procedures shall identify potential disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, the removal, suspension or expulsion of a student.
The Chancellor shall establish procedures of which all students are informed of the rules and regulations governing student behavior.