Tuition-Free Classes
Most NOCE classes are offered free to our community members – no tuition required! However, there may be some minimal costs associated with the course: textbooks, software fees, lab coats, scrubs, or supplies. Each class syllabus will explain what is needed for each class.

How are NOCE Classes Funded?
NOCE classes are tuition-free and are not really free. These courses, referred to as apportionment courses, are state funded based on student attendance. California community college apportionment is primarily driven by the Full-Time Equivalent Student (FTES) hours which is collected and submitted to the state in the form of a report, the 320 apportionment report.
- For NOCE, attendance is counted throughout the year for each hour that a student is in class.
- For 525 hours of student attendance, NOCE generates one (1) full-time equivalent student (FTES).
- These FTES are submitted to the state in the form of the 320 report at three points during the year.
- NOCE is then reimbursed by the state for each FTES generated in order to pay for the cost of the class including teacher salary, instructional materials, and any administrative fees associated with hosting the class.
How Does FTES Help NOCE?

Help with Additional Costs
If your class requires you to purchase textbooks, supplies or other items, and you need financial assistance, please let us know.
- Textbook Loaners: Some NOCE textbooks and software are available for use while working in the Career Skills and Resource Lab, Basic Skills Learning Centers, or other labs on campus. Sometimes these books can also be checked-out.
- Laptop Computer Loaner: For online classes, NOCE can loan students a laptop computer. Students will be required to fill out a laptop agreement form and provide proof of current enrollment. Students should attend a school-wide pick-up event at the beginning of each semester or e-mail a request to
- Scholarships: In addition, NOCE offers scholarships throughout the year to assist with fees associated with these additional costs. Check out the scholarship page at
- NOCE Book Voucher/School Supply Award – This award is a credit at the Fullerton Bookstore for assistance in the purchase of required books, access codes, and any other instructional materials for your NOCE courses. It is limited to first-come, first-served currently enrolled NOCE students who apply and qualify according to the program requirements. Click here for additional information, visit:

NOCE Magic Number
Each tuition-free course has a “magic number” of average student attendance that is needed to cover the cost of the course. If the class consistently fall below the “magic number” then the class may be cancelled. If this happens, every effort will be made to transition current students into a similar class.
NOCE Community Services Classes
In addition to noncredit apportionment classes that are offered tuition-free, NOCE also hosts personal enrichment and kids’ college classes within the Community Services Program. These courses do require a small class fee. If the course begins and attendance falls during the semester, the class will not be cancelled.
For More Information
For more information about these classes and how to register, visit the personal enrichment registration page.