Steps to Register
Welcome back, students! We are happy you are staying enrolled and working toward your goals. We are here to help you succeed.

View Our Class Schedule
We offer many classes to help you with your academic, career, or life goals. Check out our schedule at Register today for the classes that will get you one step closer to your finish line!
- Keep working toward your goals
- Stay enrolled
- NOCE is here to support you along the way
Admissions & Records Assistance
- Phone: (714) 808-4679
- E-mail:
- Hours:
- Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
To register for classes, click on the program of interest for step-by-step directions:
Academic Tutoring/Basic Skills Learning Center
Steps to Register into the Basic Skills Learning Center
ALL students previously enrolled in the NOCE Learning Center seeking continued academic support and free tutoring must register for the upcoming term via myGateway.
- Visit myGateway at:
Use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Click on the WebStar link on the top right of your myGateway homepage.
- Click on the Register for Classes link.
- Use the CRNs in the class schedule to find/register for your class.
For registration support and questions, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
Students interested in additional information about services offered in the Basic Skills Learning Center:
- Anaheim Learning Center: (714) 808-4583 or
Career Technical Education Program
Steps to Register into the Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs
- View the latest class schedule and select the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program course(s); note the CRN number(s).
- Register for the course(s) in myGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Banner ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, click on the WebStar button to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
For registration support, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
For questions about the CTE Program, call (714) 808-4915 or e-mail
College Preparation Program
Steps to Register into the College Preparation Program (Offered Through the Basic Skills Program)
View the latest class schedule and select the College Preparation Program course(s); note the CRN number(s).
Register for the courses in myGateway
- Visit myGateway at:
- Use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Click on the WebStar link on the top right of your myGateway homepage.
- Click on the Register for Classes link.
- Use the CRNs in the class schedule to find/register for your class.
Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- For registration support and questions, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
For questions about the College Preparation Program, call (714) 808-4607 or e-mail
Disability Support Services Program
Steps to Register into the Disability Support Services (DSS) Program
- Students previously enrolled in DSS Program will be automatically enrolled into classes for the upcoming term.
- Your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
- For questions about the DSS Program, call (714) 808-4719 or e-mail
English as a Second Language and Citizenship Program
Steps to Register for the English as a Second Language (ESL)/Citizenship Program
- Students previously enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL)/Citizenship Program can enroll by contacting the ESL Program at or (714) 808-4638.
- Your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
- ESL Student Support Center Schedule – For the latest ESL Student Support Center Schedule, visit the ESL Student Support Center webpage.
For questions about the ESL/Citizenship Program, call (714) 808-4638 or e-mail
GED/HiSET Preparation Program
Steps to Register for the GED/HiSET Preparation Program – Convenient Online Classes
View the latest class schedule, select the GED/HiSET Preparation Program course; note the CRN number.
Register for the course(s) in myGateway
- Visit myGateway at:
- Use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Click on the WebStar link on the top right of your myGateway homepage.
- Click on the Register for Classes link.
- Use the CRNs in the class schedule to find/register for your class.
Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
For registration support and questions, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
High School Diploma Program
Steps to Register into the High School Diploma Program
- The High School Diploma Program offers high school subjects in person.
- New students, please see the class schedule for step-by-step registration procedures.
- Continuing students return to their designated lab and continue working on the subjects on their Student Educational Plan. They must complete a Registration Form and submit it to their high school instructor to register in their high school subject
- Returning students, those who have not attended the high school diploma program for one year or more, must meet with a counselor to update their Student Educational Plan (SEP). Please call (714) 808-4682 or email
New students: Please see the Class Schedule of Classes for step-by-step registration procedures. New students may complete the diploma intake process and complete a Registration Form with their high school instructor to be added to their high school subject.
Continuing students: Continuing students must complete a Registration Form with their high school instructor to be added to their course.
Returning students (out over one year): Must meet with their counselors to update their Student Educational Plan (SEP). Students may enter the high school lab to meet with their instructor and complete a Registration Form.
Parenting Program
Steps to Register into the Parenting Program
- View the latest class schedule and select the Parenting Program course(s) you’d like to enroll; note the CRN number(s).
- Register for the courses in myGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Banner ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, register for your classes using WebStar in MyGateway. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
For registration support, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
For questions about the Parenting Program, call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
Program for Older Adults (Emeritus Program)
RETURNING STUDENTS – Steps to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Community or Senior Centers:
- For Emeritus Program classes held in a community center or senior center, view the latest class schedule and select the Emeritus Program course(s); note the CRN number(s).
- Register for the courses in myGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Banner ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, register for your classes using WebStar in MyGateway. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your Instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
- For registration support, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
- For questions about the Emeritus Program, call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
RETURNING STUDENTS – Steps to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Skilled Nursing or Rehabilitation Centers:
- Contact your skilled nursing or rehabilitation center location’s Activity Director to inquire about class details and registration.
- For questions about the Emeritus Program, call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
- For Emeritus Program classes held in a community center or senior center, view the latest class schedule and select the Emeritus Program course(s); note the CRN number(s).
Need Help?
- StarHelp can help you with filling out your NOCE application and accessing myGateway student portal.
- StarHelp phone: (714) 808-4679.
- StarHelp e-mail:
- The NOCE Career Skills and Resource Lab helps students with remote technical assistance. NOCE At Home services are here to support students virtually!
- Help with how to access Zoom and Canvas.
- Access to online readiness videos for students to get helpful tips to succeed in online classes.
- Career Skills and Resource Lab phone: (714) 808-4717.
- We are here to help! We want you to get enrolled and get started in your classes so you can meet your goals. Contact your individual program with questions related to class content.