Start Your New Career Path Today!
Are you ready for a new career or need a promotion? NOCE has more than a dozen career paths to help start the job of your dreams!

New Students: Steps to Register
1.) Apply Online
Part 1: Complete the NOCE Interest Form
- Complete your contact information
- Click submit
Part 2: Create an OpenCCC Account
You will receive a Welcome email from the California Community College Website with your account information and a code. Important: This code is NOT your student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Create an OpenCCC Account – Application Part 1
Part 3: Complete the Noncredit College Application
Complete the form with your information. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact StarHelp at (714) 808-4679
- In 24-48 hours, you will receive your Student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Apply to NOCE – Application Part 2
Applicants will receive an e-mail with registration instructions/information within two (2) business days of online submission.
- Login to MyGateway
Note: Do not fill out this form if you have previously taken classes with North Orange Continuing Education, Cypress College, or Fullerton College. You already have a Student ID.
2.) Orientation
Orientation is an overview of the institution, its student services, the support programs, and the school’s expectations of the students. New students are required to complete an online orientation in order to enroll in Career Technical Education (CTE) Certificate Programs:
- Pharmacy Technician students should complete the Pharmacy Technician Program Orientation. Check out the step-by-step instructions on how to complete Online Orientation.
- Other CTE Program students should complete the General NOCE Orientation. Read the Online Orientation for instructions.
3.) Register for Classes
Check out the NOCE Class Schedule for class details. And register for classes through MyGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged into MyGateway, follow the step-by-step directions to complete your online orientation so you can register for classes.
- After you have completed your orientation, you must register for your classes using WebStar in MyGateway.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your Instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
For registration support, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
4.) Counseling
- Meet with a counselor by appointment at (714) 808-4682 or e-mail
- New students must meet with an academic counselor during their first term to develop a Student Educational Plan.
- Returning students are highly encouraged to meet with a counselor to update their Student Educational Plan.
5.) Attend Classes
Online/Remote Classes
- Log into Canvas on the start date listed in the class schedule to find your lessons/assignments for the week. For step-by-step instructions on how to log into and use Canvas, view the Canvas video.
- Unless otherwise noted in the schedule, it does not matter what time of day you log into Canvas to complete your work.
In-Person Classes
View the course description in the class schedule for dates/times/locations of the class.
Don’t see your course listed on the first day? Contact or (714) 808-4679.
Returning Students:
Welcome back! Follow these steps to register:
Register For Classes
- View the latest class schedule and select the Career Technical Education (CTE) Program course(s); note the CRN number(s).
- Register for the courses in myGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, click on the WebStar button to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your Instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
Online/Remote Classes
- Log into Canvas on the start date listed in the class schedule to find your lessons/assignments for the week. For step-by-step instructions on how to log in and use Canvas, view the Canvas video.
- It does not matter what time of day you log into Canvas to complete your work unless otherwise noted in the schedule.
In-Person Classes – View the course description in the class schedule for dates/time/location of the class.
Don’t see your course listed on the first day? Contact or (714) 808-4679.
For questions about the CTE Program, call (714) 808-4915 or e-mail
Is the class you want full? Join the waitlist to get priority placement if a spot opens up. If you’re on the list, plan to show up for the first class session.
Need Help?
StarHelp can help you with filling out your NOCE application and accessing the myGateway student portal.
StarHelp phone: (714) 808-4679
StarHelp e-mail:
The NOCE Career Skills and Resource Lab will help students with remote technical assistance. NOCE At Home services are here to support students virtually!
- Help with how to access Zoom and Canvas.
- Access to online readiness videos for students to get helpful tips to succeed in online classes.
Career Skills and Resource Lab phone: (714) 808-4717
We are here to help!
We want you to get enrolled and get started in your classes so you can meet your goals. Contact us with questions.
CTE Program phone: (714) 808-4915
CTE Program e-mail:
Ready to Begin?
Find a CTE Program class and register today!