Are You Ready to Register? Follow the Easy Steps!
English as a second language (ESL) and Citizenship Preparation Program courses at NOCE are free to adults, ages 18 and up.
Start class anytime and learn at your own pace.

New Students
Registration IN-PERSON
Registration IN-PERSON:
We are here to support you on your academic journey!
See our hours located below:
Anaheim Campus Admissions and Records
- Location: 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801
- Second Floor, Anaheim Campus.
- Hours:
- Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Fridays: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cypress Center Admissions and Records
- Location: NOCE Cypress Center, 9200 Valley View Street, Cypress, CA 90630, Building 100
- Hours:
- Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Fridays: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Wilshire Center Admissions and Records
- Location: NOCE Wilshire (Fullerton) Center, 315 E. Wilshire Ave, Fullerton, CA 92832, Building 300
- Hours:
- Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Fridays: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Contact Information: (714) 484-7038 |
- Location: 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801
Registration ONLINE
Part 1: Complete the NOCE Interest Form
- Complete your contact information
- Click submit
Part 2: Create an OpenCCC Account
You will receive a Welcome email from the California Community College Website with your account information and a code. Important: This code is NOT your student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Create an OpenCCC Account – Application Part 1
Part 3: Complete the Noncredit College Application
Complete the form with your information. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at (714) 808-4679 or (714) 808-4638.
- In 24-48 hours, you will receive your Student ID required for the remaining steps.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Apply to NOCE – Application Part 2
- Make an appointment with the ESL Program at (714) 808-4638 or
- Complete your assessment and registration with the program
- Once registered, your instructor or a staff member will reach out to you regarding how to access your course
Visit myGateway at:
- Login to myGateway
- Your user is your Student ID number if you don’t remember your password. Click on Forgot Password. Then follow the steps on the email that you will receive (the same email address that you used in your registration the first time)
- Click on the NOCE link on the left-hand side of the homepage Under NOCE Orientations.
- Click on the NOCE ESL Orientation link in-person or online orientation options are available
Contact (714) 808-4682 for more information.
Returning Students
Welcome back! To register for classes, follow these steps:
- If you have not taken an ESL course in the last 3 months, you must schedule an appointment to retake the placement test to determine what class you should take.
- After you enroll in a class, your instructor will contact you about how you can access your course.
- Attend throughout the semester
- For questions about the ESL/Citizenship Program, call (714) 808-4638 or e-mail
Need Help?
StarHelp can help you fill out your NOCE application and access the myGateway student portal.
- StarHelp phone: (714) 808-4679
- StarHelp e-mail:
ESL Program staff and faculty members can help you get set up online, including getting an e-mail address through the ESL Student Support Centers.
- ESL Student Support Center phone: (714) 808-4638
- ESL Student Support Center Schedule
- ESL Student Support Center Blog page
We are here to help! We want you to get enrolled and get started in your classes so you can meet your goals. Contact us with questions.
- ESL Program phone: (714) 808-4638
- ESL Program e-mail: