What is the Accessibility Advisory Group?

The purpose of the North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) Accessibility Advisory Group is to develop and maintain a multi-year school-wide plan for accessibility compliance. The plan should outline the specific goals that the group is working towards to ensure accessibility for all members of the NOCE community, including students, staff, and faculty. This plan is informed by legislation, local guidance, and CCC Chancellor’s Office, including the CCC Accessibility Institutional Guidance Matrix. The NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group is an advisory group to the NOCE Diversity Equity Inclusion and Anti-Racism and Accessibility (DEIAA) Committee, which is a governance group of the NOCE President’s Cabinet.

  • The function of the Accessibility Advisory Group is to:
    • Develop and monitor the implementation of the NOCE Accessibility Plan. The NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group will review the plan annually and revise, as needed, ensuring alignment with the current NOCE Strategic Plan.
    • Collaborate with school-wide shared governance committees for implementation of the NOCE Accessibility Plan.
    • Provide an annual progress report to the DEIAA Committee and other groups as deemed necessary.
    • Serve as a forum and resource group to address institutional initiatives and issues on accessibility.

    This charter affirms our determination to make education inclusive of all persons including those who have disabilities and other diverse learning needs. This charter aims to take steps to meet their essential needs and promote the protection, safety, and respect for all persons.

Download Accessibility Advisory Group Charter

Accessibility Advisory Group Information:

  • Committee Composition

    The membership of the Accessibility Advisory Group will comprise:

    • Associate Dean I, Disability Support Services
    • Director of Campus Communications
    • Director of Admissions and Records
    • Distance Education Coordinator
    • Faculty members appointed by Academic Senate (4)
      • Instructional program representation (2)
      • Counseling representation (2)
    • Alternate Media Specialist
    • Instructional Designer
    • IT Project Leader
    • Web Content Specialist
    • Student representatives appointed by the Student Leadership Program (2)
    • Vice President of Student Services
    • Vice President of Instruction
    • Director of Administrative Services
    • DEIAA Committee representative

    All meetings are open. The co-chairs of the group will serve a two-year term. Any of the members of the group can serve as a co-chair. Elections will be held at the end of the chairs’ two-year term, or in the event of a vacancy. The chairs would be elected by consensus vote.

  • Member Responsibilities

    Members are responsible for disseminating and collecting information on meeting agenda items to appropriately represent the views of their respective constituent groups and departments. Each member will be assumed to be speaking for their constituent group unless an announcement to the contrary is made. Member responsibilities at a minimum include:

    • Attendance at all meetings or provision of an informed alternate.
    • Preparation for meetings (reading items distributed to members prior to the meeting).
    • Completion of assignments made at the meetings.
    • Thorough and open communication with the constituent group being represented.

    The co-chairs of the NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group, in consultation with all members, shall establish the agenda and run the meetings.  The chairs will solicit input from all group members related to agenda items and the institutional accessibility plan.

  • Member List
    • Adam Gottdank, Associate Dean I, Disability Support Services  
    • Jennifer Perez, Director of Campus Communications
    • Martha Gutierrez, Vice President of Student Services
    • Nancy Flores, Web Content Specialist
    • Corinna Lopez, Distance Education Committee Chair
    • Maria Aceituno, Instructional Designer
    • Emily Johnson, Alternate Media Specialist (@Adam, is this correct? Emily is the new Alternate Media Specialist?)
    • Maureen Borillo, IT Project Lead
    • Karen Bautista, Vice President of Instruction
    • Terry Cox, Director of Administrative Services
    • DEIAA Committee Representative (Currently Vacant)
    • Faculty members appointed by Academic Senate (4)
      • Instructional Program Representatives – Afraim Sedrak, Courtney Williams
      • Counseling – Michelle Patrick, Casey Sousa
    • Student leader representatives (2) – currently vacant

Meeting Information:

The Accessibility Advisory Group will meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Zoom during the academic year from September through May, excluding January.

  • Meeting Information

    NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group meets as follows:

    • Meetings on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Zoom during the academic year from September through May, excluding January.
    • Special meetings shall be announced and held on Zoom as needed.
    • Meetings shall be conducted using consensus methods for decision-making.

    The process for consensus will be:

    • Thumbs up – Agree
    • Thumbs sideways – Can live with decision
    • Thumbs down – Disagree

    If anyone is a thumbs down, the discussion will continue. On the occasion when a consensus is not reached, the co-chairs will take the recommendation under consideration and present the feedback to the DEIAA Committee for a final determination, stating that the Accessibility Advisory Group could not reach a consensus on the issue.


    A quorum is the population required to make decisions. To reach a quorum:

    1. A simple majority of the current membership must be present.
    2. Faculty, staff, and management representation must be represented. Students are advisory vote, and do not need to be present for quorum.
  • Agendas

    More Information is Coming Soon!

  • Communications

    To ensure that all employees can access information on the issues under consideration and be able to provide input or participate in meeting discussions, the NOCE Accessibility Advisory Group will maintain a SharePoint group. At a minimum, the following will be posted:

    • Group charter
    • List of meeting dates and locations
    • Annual list of members
    • Agenda and meeting notes
    • Current NOCE Accessibility Plan

    Any NOCE employees may e-mail the co-chairs of the advisory group to be added to the SharePoint group.