Study for the GED/HiSET Exams with NOCE!
The NOCE GED/HiSET Program helps adults prepare for their high school equivalency (GED or HiSET) exams by providing academic support and convenient online classes.

NOCE provides support to students as they prepare to take the GED/HiSET exams. NOCE offers tutoring and classes at no cost to you! Take the next step with us!
- Tuition-Free Classes
- Instructor Led Lessons
- Free Tutoring
- Online Classes
GED/HiSET Preparation Registration: New Students
New students looking to register for GED/HiSET Preparation classes can follow the steps below or on our new student registration web page.
1. Apply to NOCE!
First-time students can apply for a Student ID number online. Applicants will receive an email within two business days of online submission.
Part 1: Complete the NOCE Interest Form
- Complete your contact information
- Click submit
Part 2: Create an OpenCCC Account
You will receive a Welcome email from the California Community College Website with your account information and a code. Important: This code is NOT your student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Create an OpenCCC Account – Application Part 1
Part 3: Complete the Noncredit College Application
Complete the form with your information. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact StarHelp at (714) 808-4679
- In 24-48 hours, you will receive your Student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Apply to NOCE – Application Part 2
2. Once you have your Student ID, you must register for your course in MyGateway.
To access myGateway, visit myGateway and use your Student ID and password to log in.
3. Once you have logged in, click on the WebStar button to register. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
For more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to register for a class, check out the page listed below:
4. CASAS assessment is required.
Effective 2022 Fall Semester CASAS assessment is required by NOCE. There will be a CASAS pre-test and post-test administered to High School Diploma and GED/HiSET Prep Program students. Be sure to schedule your CASAS test prior to the first day of classes each academic year.
For more information on the CASAS assessment, please call (714) 808-4049 or text (714) 808-4539.
5. Once registered, your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
Online/Remote Classes
These classes have no specific date/time reflected in the schedule (asynchronous).
- Log into Canvas on the start date listed in the class schedule to find your lessons/assignments for the week. For step-by-step instructions on how to log into and use Canvas, view the Canvas video.
- It does not matter what time of day you log into Canvas to complete your work unless otherwise noted in the schedule.
GED/HiSET Preparation Registration: Returning Students
Returning GED/HiSET students can follow these steps to register:
1. Log into MyGateway, click on the WebStar button to register. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
To access myGateway, visit and use your Student ID and password to log in. For more detailed step-by-step information on how to register for your class, check out the page listed below.
2. Once registered, your instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
Online/Remote Classes
These classes have no specific date/time reflected in the schedule (asynchronous).
- Log into Canvas on the start date listed in the class schedule to find your lessons/assignments for the week. For step-by-step instructions on how to log into and use Canvas, view the Canvas video.
- It does not matter what time of day you log into Canvas to complete your work unless otherwise noted in the schedule.
Basic Skills CASAS Assessment Information
Effective the 2022 Fall Semester, NOCE requires High School Diploma and GED/HiSET Prep Program students to take the comprehensive adult student assessment systems (CASAS). CASAS tests asses basic and academic skills in real-world contexts.
There will be a CASAS pre-test and post-test administered to High School Diploma and GED/HiSET Prep Program students in the Basic Skills Program.
In-Person Testing Hours from January 6 – May 23, 2025
Testing Location | Address | Days | Testing Hours |
Anaheim Campus – Room 709 | 1830 W. Romneya Dr. Anaheim, CA 92801 | Mondays & Wednesdays | 8:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6 p.m. |
Anaheim Campus – Room 709 | 1830 W. Romneya Dr. Anaheim, CA 92801 | Fridays | 8:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 1:30 p.m. |
Cypress Center – Bldg. TE2, Room 211 | 9200 Valley View St. Cypress, CA 90630 | Fridays | 9:30 a.m. 12 p.m. |
Online Testing
To schedule your remote CASAS assessment, please visit the registration link.
For more information about CASAS, please call (714) 808-4049 or text (714) 808-4539.
Important Reminders:
Please bring your Student ID and a Photo ID. Late arrivals will not be accepted.
Failure to attend an appointment prevents other students from completing their assessment and/or attaining their educational goals. Please cancel your online CASAS exam appointment prior to the test date if you are not able to make it. Repeatedly missing your online CASAS exam appointment may result in forfeiting future appointment requests.
Effective January 1, 2023, the NOCCCD Board of Trustees, adopted a position of strongly recommending, rather than mandating, COVID-19 vaccines and strongly recommending boosters for all employees and students. For more information, visit
For Registration Support or Questions:
For assistance registering for classes or accessing myGatway, contact our StarHelp Customer Service at (714) 808-4679 or