Courses for Parents, Family Members & Caregivers
Expand your knowledge. Gain insight into children’s behavior and needs. Support, encourage, and connect with the children, teens, and adult children in your care. Increase your awareness of modern challenges that children often face.

NOCE Child and Family Wellness Courses
Join us for free NOCE Child and Family Wellness courses. Courses are offered in-person in Anaheim, Cypress, or Fullerton and online. Child and Family Wellness course overview:
- Short-term, non-credit courses
- 4-8 weeks to finish each class
- Courses start at various dates throughout the semester
- Daytime and evening course options
See the NOCE class schedule for details.
Building Trauma-Informed Communities (BTIC)
Adults can help children learn to hold onto hope, build skills that result in resilience, and reduce the negative effects of life’s challenges. NOCE’s Child and Family Wellness courses are trauma informed. The courses provide a nurturing, informative, nonjudgemental environment where adults learn to be as effective and supportive as possible despite life’s most difficult experiences. BTIC courses include an exploration of how adverse experiences affect parents and other adults as well as children. Courses prepare adults who love and care for children to be part of a trauma-informed community (BTIC) that thrives.
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
PARN 300
Learn about the effects of childhood adversity, toxic stress, and the impact on health and well-being. Explore methods to help address your personal history so you can provide attuned, nurturing care. Effects of early trauma can be prevented or reversed through healthy relationships. Learn how to promote wellbeing and resilience in children and ourselves.
Connected Parenting: Early Childhood and Infancy
PARN 301
This course assists parents and caregivers in learning the importance of connection (attachment and bonding) as the building blocks to infant/early childhood social emotional and cognitive development. The focus is on exploring ways parents and caregivers can provide responsive and attuned care while increasing lifelong resilience for their children.
Foster, Kinship, and Adoptive Families
PARN 302
This course is created for foster, adoptive and kinship parents to assist in learning the importance of connection (attachment and bonding) as the building blocks to social-emotional and cognitive development. The focus is on exploring ways parents can provide responsive and attuned care while increasing lifelong resilience for children.
Strengthening Families
PARN 303
Discover the characteristics needed for healthy environments and relationships in the home while recognizing the uniqueness of each family dynamic. Learn the importance of caring for yourself while also providing the stability needed to meet the physical and emotional needs of the children in your life.
Mental Wellness in the Home
PARN 304
Get an overview on mental health to have more awareness and understanding. Explore factors that influence mental health at home, protective measures, and skills needed to aid in healthy coping and regulation strategies for family members and youth in the community. Help make vibrant, healthy communities a priority.
Effects of Trauma on LGBTQ+ Youth
PARN 305
Improve your understanding of LGBTQ+ people, terminology, and stressors/traumas that potentially impact youth. Gain insights that advance your awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. Learn to use simple tools to break down barriers and build safety and well-being for everyone.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Populations
PARN 306
Learn about human trafficking from the perspectives of many working in the anti-trafficking movement. Increase awareness in your home, school, and community. Explore definitions, risk factors, and skills needed to aid in prevention and protection for youth who experience social media and other influences. This is a difficult issue, but solutions are within reach.
Internet Safety and Awareness
PARN 307
Gain awareness and understanding of the online world and how it works. The benefits and risks associated with the Internet will be explored along with the tools needed to help children stay safe while they engage in technology use.
Understanding Addiction
PARN 308
The purpose of this class is to provide understanding and awareness around addiction and how it impacts individuals and families. Definitions of addiction will be explored, as well as the connection between trauma and addiction, and the importance of connection and relationship as a preventative and protective measure.
Student Success Certificate in Parenting: Building Trauma-Informed Communities
A Parenting Program student success award can be earned by passing five total courses in the Building Trauma-Informed Communities/Child Wellness track, including:PARN 300: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (required)And the student’s choice of four more courses from these options:PARN 301: Connected Parenting: Early Childhood and InfancyPARN 302: Foster, Kinship, and Adoptive FamiliesPARN 303: Strengthening FamiliesPARN 304: Mental Wellness in the HomePARN 305: Effects of Trauma on LGBTQ+ YouthPARN 306: Safeguarding Vulnerable PopulationsPARN 307: Internet Safety and AwarenessPARN 308: Understanding Addictive BehaviorsNOCE hosts a special event in the spring during which students who earned a student success award can celebrate their achievements with family and friends during a public ceremony.
Life isn’t easy, but we can teach our kids to develop the skills that give them a firm foundation for the future. Chivonne Carter![]()
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and NOCE Parenting Program Adjunct Professor
NOCE’s Parenting courses are for all adults who love and support children of any age.
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