Upcoming Power Up Fairs:

NOCE Cypress Center hosting a Power Up Resource Fair in 2024. In the Cypress Center circle, there is a bunch of EZ up tents and a welcome sign on a white sandwich board.
  • NOCE Cypress Center (Bldg 18): 9200 Valley View St. Cypress, CA 90630
  • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Community Resource Information and Details:

  • Credit.Org

    Credit.org LogoEstablished in 1974, Credit.org is a national nonprofit financial wellness organization, recognized as one of the earliest U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved nonprofit and consumer credit counseling services (CCCS) agencies nationwide. Our HUD-approved housing counseling programs have consistently improved housing outcomes for first-time homebuyers, homeowners, renters, and those overcoming homelessness.

    Credit.org is here to help with financial counseling!

    Get the Financial Advice that is Right for You!
  • Cypress College Charger Experience

    What is the Charger Experience Program (CEP)?

    The Charger Experience Program (CEP) is a first-time, tuition-free program at Cypress College. CEP provides 2 years of free tuition for first-time college students through Financial Aid, the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), or AB-19. CEP is an opt in program. As a participant, students receive the following benefits: priority registration, access to specialized Charger Experience Program Counselors, special events, and much more!


    Program Eligibility Requirements

    • Complete the FAFSA or Dream Act application and verification process
    • Meet California residency or AB 540 requirements
    • Register for a minimum of 12 units every semester
    • Enroll and complete Math, English, Counseling in your first year
    • Be a first-time college student with no other course credits from other colleges/universities (this does not apply to students who have taken Dual Enrollment classes while in high school)


    • Two years of free tuition for all first-time college students
    • Priority registration and full-time placement
    • Academic, career, and transfer counseling, including a student education plan
    • Activities, support services, and events
    • Personalized support from Charger Experience counselors
  • CalOptima

    Is Medi-Cal right for my family?

    Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost health care to people who qualify. It can help pay for doctor visits, hospital care, immunization (vaccines), pregnancy-related services, nursing home care, and other services.

    Who is eligible for Medi-Cal?

    Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost health coverage for individuals (adults and children) and families who qualify. To qualify for Medi-Cal, you must live in the state of California and meet certain rules, such as having income under the Medi-Cal limit. You may qualify for health insurance even if you are not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. national.

    What documents will I need to apply?

    • Proof of California residency
    • Household income (earned and unearned)
    • Tax filing status (for everyone in your household)
    • Property/Asset information
    • Social Security Number (SSN)
    • Citizenship/Immigration Status

    For more information, visit the BenefitsCal website to see if you qualify for MediCal.

  • OC 211

    211 Orange CountyCall 211 for help with resources

    211 Orange County runs a comprehensive information and referral system for Orange County, CA. 211 OC is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online and through a multi-lingual hotline, connecting people quickly and effectively to existing programs and disaster response information. They connect residents in need to critical social services in Orange County such as housing, job placement, food, and health insurance. Just dial 2-1-1.

  • OC LGBTQ Center

    Services for Our Community

    Every day, we fulfill our mission to ensure the well-being and positive identity of the Orange County LGBTQ community by strengthening youth, improving health outcomes, and advocating for social justice.

  • Project Food Box

    Free, Nutritious Food Boxes Delivered To Your Door.Project Food Box Logo

    Project FoodBox proudly offers a Medically Tailored Food Box Program to qualifying Medi-Cal members in participating counties. This program delivers fresh food boxes directly to your doorstep, absolutely free.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Must be a Medi-Cal Member in Orange, Los Angeles, or Imperial County.
    • Qualifying health conditions include but are not limited to: diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, congestive heart failure, stroke, chronic lung disorders, HIV, cancer, gestational diabetes, or other high risk perinatal conditions, and chronic or disabling mental/behavioral health disorders. Individuals being discharged from the hospital or a skilled nursing facility or at high risk of hospitalization or nursing facility placement. Individuals with extensive care coordination needs.

    Apply on their website

  • UCI Health

    Get Free Genetic Testing with UCI Health

    Advances in genetics have made it possible to determine your risk of developing a hereditary cancer or a genetic disorder. Prenatal tests also can detect inherited disorders and abnormalities, such as neural tube defects, Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis in a developing fetus.

    UCI Health genetics counselors and medical geneticists are experts in diagnosing hereditary conditions and in educating people about the risk of passing them to their offspring.

    Integrating the most recent advances in genetic technologies with comprehensive and compassionate healthcare, UCI Health provides the following services:

    • Genetic cancer risk assessments for people who may have cancer themselves or a family history of cancer
    • Medical genetics consultations for people who suspect they may have a genetic disorder based on physical findings or family history
    • Preconception and prenatal genetic consultations for people concerned about the risk for birth defects or genetic abnormalities

    For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call UCI Health at (714) 456-7002.

NOCE Resources:

Counseling at the ARISE lab
A Career Resource Center instructor helping a student
A student using a screwdriver to secure a light switch.
A NOCE counselor helping a student at a counseling appointment
DSS student recieving their certificate at the NOCE Student Success and Scholarship event
A 2019 ESL class
The Grads to Be program logo
High school diploma student reading his textbook and taking notes
a NOCE instructor helping an older student use the computer
Anacany Torres and Rosemary Rangel posing at the NOCE table during an outreach event.
2023 NOCE Students Leaders at Graduation